Building Our Future - Phase II

Dear Oberlin City Schools 社区,

作为我们持续致力于为学生提供一流教育体验的一部分, 我们很高兴地宣布,专门为我们的6至8年级学生设计的新设施的规划阶段. 这个新设施代表了对我们社区未来和孩子们教育的重大投资.

The new 6-8 facility will feature state-of-the-art classrooms, advanced technology, 以及创新的学习空间,以满足中学生的独特需求. Our goal is to create an environment that fosters academic excellence, 创造力, and social development. 

我们认识到,这个项目的成功取决于我们整个社会的支持和参与. Throughout the 规划 and construction phases, 我们将举办一系列信息会议和社区论坛,提供最新信息并收集您的宝贵意见. 

您的反馈对于确保新设施满足学生的需求和期望至关重要, 父母, and educators.

The District has not finalized any design or athletic facilities plans. We are in the early stages of this process. 我们附上了一个设计概念的幻灯片,以确定空间是否适合6-12人的设施.  

At Oberlin City Schools, 我们致力于提供一个教育环境,让每个学生都能茁壮成长. 新的6-8设施证明了我们对卓越的承诺和我们对每个孩子潜力的信念. We are confident that this new facility will inspire and empower our students, preparing them for success in high school and beyond.

我们将通过我们的网站定期更新,让您了解这个令人兴奋的项目的进展情况, 时事半岛体育, Board Meetings, and community meetings. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫与我们联系.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Oberlin City Schools. Together, we are building a 明亮的er future for our students and our community.

In the summer of 2023, 奥柏林城市学校开始重新审视他们的设施总体规划,以研究如何解决该地区的下一组设施挑战. 他们与然后Design Architecture (TDA)和Hammond Construction会面,探讨这些计划的第二阶段, which includes exploring construction costs, site impacts, state funding, and preliminary layouts for grades 6-12. 

History of the Master Plan 

Oberlin City Schools first developed a master plan in 2018 概述了替换区内所有K-12年级老化基础设施的优先需求. After thorough assessments of all their school facilities, 规划, and engagement with community members, 老师, and district staff, a plan was set. 


This was completed in 2021 with the opening of Oberlin's new PK-5 Elementary School. This new facility replaced two existing, oversized elementary schools and provided a fresh, 明亮的, and technologically advanced school for the district's youngest learners. 这所生态友好型学校是由一个附加的太阳能电池板建造的,它提供了学校80%的能源成本,并通过附加的能源仪表板吸引学生. 随着教育环境的改善,建筑本身也成为了一个学习工具.


Overview of the Process

During the summer of 2023, a team from the district administration, select board members, 设计和施工专业人员开会讨论了奥伯林设施总体规划第二阶段的各种方案. This included comparing the costs and phasing of building either a new 6-12 school, a 6-8 school with the option of adding future grades, or just a new 9-12 school. 这些计划的主要目标是确保在新学校建造时,学生可以留在现有的建筑中. Additionally, state funding sources were explored, 其中包括参加俄亥俄州设施建设委员会(OFCC)的快速本地合作计划(ELPP)。. 利用这一计划,如果该地区按照州的指导方针设计和建造学校,就可以从该州获得未来的学分. 

The team met bi-weekly, 进行“场地适宜性测试”并进行施工评估,以确保计划的可行性. 该小组还探讨了当前奥伯林校区如何在交通流通方面支持新建筑, stormwater management, and future athletic field needs. 最后,他们研究了在先建一小部分的情况下分期建设的不同方法.

最终, after exploring the district’s bonding cap, square footage needs, and the amenities necessary for the new school, 该地区认为,最好的财政和教育计划是集中精力建设一所6-8年级的学校,以便在未来几年扩建.




With the support of TDA and Hammond Construction, the district decided that constructing a new 55,000平方英尺的6-8中学,同时进行场地改进是该地区的最佳解决方案. 然后, when the additional state credit from the OFCC becomes available, 该地区可以考虑使用它来完成建筑的9-12部分, making it a 6-12 school. 


Website Presentation

Board Meeting (Study Session) - September 10, 2024 

周二, September 10, 2024, 奥伯林市学区教育委员会举行了一次公共学习会议,讨论新的6-8设施. During the session, 学区提供了半岛体育如何在不发行债券的情况下为该设施提供资金的信息. The District will sell current bonds, use Nexus pipeline funding, utilize existing funds, and use remaining Phase I project funds to finance the building. 

The District developed an estimated tentative timeline. 一旦选定建筑师和施工经理,将创建更详细的时间表. The new 6-8 facility is expected to be completed by August 2027. 

Board Meeting - 9月24日, 2024 

At the Tuesday, 9月24日, 2024 Oberlin City School District Board of Education meeting, the Board of Education hired TDA (然后 Design Architecture) (TDA网站) to design the new 6-8 facility. TDA designed our Oberlin Elementary School, and has experience designing buildings in the area, including the new North Ridgeville High School. The District hired Hammond Construction (Hammond Website) as the construction manager for the project. 哈蒙德建筑公司有50年的经验,已经完成了30亿美元的教育项目, 卫生保健, and commercial construction projects. 


设施团队将在未来几周与员工和社区成员会面,开始新中学项目的设计阶段. We’re thrilled to begin this process! 在我们塑造一个满足学生需求的空间时,你的投入将是无价的. Together, we can create a vibrant and inspiring learning environment for everyone.